Keep up to date with the latest news about the club.
The management will not tolerate any form of aggressive or threatening behaviour made towards any of the staff by either children or parents. If instances of this nature are reported, children will be removed from the register immediately.
Can we take this opportunity to ask that all invoices for Breakfast and afterschool Club fees are settled within 14 days or a 20% late payment fee will be added. If you need to split your invoice into more manageable payments please speak to Sarah or Frazer to make arrangements.
Could we please ask Parent/Carers, if your child/ren are not going to be attending a session could you please let Sarah or a member of staff know as soon as possible. This is to avoid any confusion regarding absence. Your help with this would be much appreciated.
Collection of children
It is important if you are having your child/ren collected, they can only be picked up by people listed on your childs registration form. If you are in any doubt please contact a member of staff to amend the details.
Email Addresses
We are trying to provide a more efficient service to you and would like to use email to do this.
If you could please let us have a current email address at which we can contact you. Such email addresses will only be used for information relevant to your child and not for unsolicited mails and will not be passed onto any third parties.
Could all parents/carers whose child needs to use an inhaler or nebuliser please ensure that the club has one for them to use.
A separate one can be stored at the club or alternatively your child may bring it on a daily basis.
Feedback forms - Have your say!!
We are constantly looking for ways to improve our service to our parents/carers as well as our children. As part of this process we have feedback/comment forms for you to complete.
If you have anything that you would like to tell us about, please complete one of these forms and return it to us.
All completed forms will be treated in confidence.